After completing three of the Box in a Box quilts, I am calling it quits on this type until I get back to North Carolina and an unlimited supply of already cut strips! This picture is of the second one I did which is a bit ore controlled than the first one and thus, I didn't feel the need to insert blocks to give your eyes a place to rest. My approach here was to only use dark browns and navies for the darks and beiges and yellows for the lights. I also lined up the yellows, beiges, blues and browns with each other as much as possible. I used random colors for the mediums but also tried to line up colors (like reds next to reds and greens next to greens). It gives the eye a bit more of a place to rest than totally random scrappy. I think overall I am a controlled scrappy quilter. I used the reverse side of a fabric for the border on this one after trying out both the right side and the wrrong side, finding the wrong side a little cheerier! It's not quite done here.
Here it is completed!Here is the design wall with all the big rosettes completed and a few of the more complex rosettes also done. I am getting to the point where I will be more selective in how I combine colors but first I had to free up my other design wall, finishing all the scrap quilts.