The top of the challenge was the Cape Fear River which runs behind Wilmington (and me in Kure Beach even closer) and meets up with the ocean at Ft. Fisher. There is a historic breakwater separating the two at the tip of Ft. Fisher. I took a picture overlooking the breakwater and a striking sunset several years ago. (There were a lot of fires west of that year and really colored the sunsets.)
The piece had to feature the Cape Fear River and that is the middle blue piece on the other side of the breakwater.
I took some liberties with the photo in constructing this quilt! It now sits at a comfortable 36 inches by 29 inches. I am in the processing of sewing the facing and the triangles I have to put in the corner of the back for hanging at the exhibit. I am hoping it is not too much too different from the rest of the pieces. I seem to be very different in my approaches with a lot more color (like my camellias that I did for the last show).
The exhibit will be at the Burgwin-Wright house in Wilmington between Feb. 23 and Mar 17 in 2024.
I happened down to Carolina Beach Lake one very cloudy day last week but was rewarded with quite a few birds -- some that I hadn't seen for awhile. There was a flock of these Bluebirds sitting on the lines.