Tuesday, July 3, 2007


We spent the last ten days of our trip at Lisa's new house in Charlotte, NC. It is a beautiful little ranch and she kept us busy (especially Warren) helping with getting her settled. She had no furniture for pretty much the first week so we just used our camping stuff and slept on our air mattresses!

Warren was busy mowing lawns, putting up drywall and mounting new ceiling fans and well as other miscellaneous tasks Lisa had waiting for us. I finished the painting (mostly) of her family room, did some weeding and did the cooking and laundry for all of us. Most of my leisure time was spent trying to get my Hoffman Challenge piece done so that it would be in time to enter at the end of the month. I managed to get it as done as I had planned literally in the car on the way back to Rochester!!

The best part (in addition to the fun of seeing Lisa) was playing with her new kittens (Jahi and Paka) who are two adorable two month old orange tabbies. They were constant entertainment. They are devoted to each other and play, eat and sleep together (and even occasionally go to the bathroom together).

I also got to at least see my old roommate Janice for lunch one day. She was heading out to Germany right from the restaurant. I had just called her but she made room in her busy schedule of getting ready to go so that we could spend a couple of hours together. She lives just a few miles from Lisa and I will see her again in the fall.

I also got to visit Mary Jo's which is a "famous" quilt store over in Gastonia.

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