Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another Sewing Day for Yellowstone II Piece

Well, another productive day of trying to get at least the top of the Yellowstone piece done! It took the better part of the day and much tearing apart and putting back together and bobbin thread running out but I finally got the top to a stage where it is okay. I have literally ripped it out probably 4 times and put back together. There have been three iterations of the trees and this one is okay but still not what I totally want but enough so I won't rip it out again. Unfortunately, that means there may be Yellowstone III coming up. How many times can I do this one picture until I get it right!! Well, it is a learning experience. I like the original one from a composition standpoint but wanted to make it bigger and do more intricate piecing in some places as I thought I would like it better (which I do). It may be losing some of best of the composition though in doing that as it is not as high contrast -- doesn't have as graphic a quality. I will get it done and quilted and make my final decisions.

It was a gorgeous day again after a day of much needed rain so I included some pictures I took at Marcia's house today as there is beginning to be some color around there although we still have little up here by the lake. I also included a last picture of our garden at the house as it is still blooming and almost November which is AMAZING around here!

Here is some fall color from Marcia's back yard.

Here is some more fall color.

This is a fantastic tree called a river birch that Marcia has growing in her back yard. Isn't the bark cool!

Ah, here is a picture of our garden taken on Monday when it was 80 degrees out. It is never this nice even in September around here, much less the end of October!

These are the daisies in our neighbor's front yard which stand about three feet high and are beautiful this year.

These are some of Joe's glorious mums as well. They are huge this year and overladen with flowers.

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