Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Marbellishment - Day 2

Another fantastic day at QBL! Besides the wonderful class and truly talented classmates, the weather has been delicious!! Cool breezes, some sunshine and temps in the high 70's. Doesn't get better than this at QBL -- just trying to make us feel bad that we won't be back on this campus next year!

I am learning so much and I am beginning to be able to sense how things are going to go. I don't know when I ever would have spent five days just on this one technique back in the "real world". I will have to take extensive notes to myself about how I have done things and what I am discovering although the whole technique seems to be so intuitively driven. You marble with your whole mind. Something that works one moment literally will not work at all the next so you are constantly shifting and discovering. It feels a little bit like it did when I first learned fabric dyeing and could never duplicate what I had done before -- either color or pattern. Now that is a walk in the park. Elin assures us that there is much unknown and many have spent much time trying to "tame the beast". Coincidentally, the ex of one of the woman in the group had a degree in surface tension which is what marbling is all about.

Now if I could just figure out a way (other than shaving cream) to marble with MX....... Do I sense another challenge coming on as I know it is impossible but maybe I can find a way to mimic it.......hmmmm.....

Just your random application of blue and yellow paints plus a little marbellishment.

This is again playing with the yellows and blues and using a technique of laying down the piece in waves. It is pretty subtle on this one, but the effect is there. Probably better if you blew up the picture by double clicking.

I couldn't help myself on this one. I applied the navy and tried some other colors on it and they just didn't cooperate and I really liked just the navy and white so left it alone. Again, double click to see it bigger

These three pieces were done by another RAFA member - Sarah Terry working on some orange that she just hated. Didn't they turn out well!


  1. Sounds like you love a challenge (using MX dyes for marbling). Looking forward to your experiments.

