Monday, September 1, 2008

Purses, Purses and One Spider!

Before reminiscing about today's accomplishments, had to show the cover of a catalog for a show starting this weekend at the Tyler Gallery at SUNY-Oswego!

Pat Pauly curated this show and the opening is this Friday (Sept. 5). The catalog is downright beautiful and I am sure the show will be as well as Pat does an incredible job of design to best show up each piece of art! I feel very honored and priviledged to have been invited to participate. Kudos also go to the Editor and printer for the wonderful job that was done. It is so professionally done and I know Pat was terribly busy with family, colleges and vacations during this time.

Of course, I had to take a picture of my page in the catalog! If you double click, you can see the inspiration of the piece.

Well, it was purses and purses and one spider but spider comes first! Of course, this was in Bill and Marcia's garden but I had the camera that would work the best so I got to post the picture!! They also knew that I would be compelled to find out what kind of spider it is!! So, ta da drum roll please-----It is the common Garden Spider also known as the Black and Yellow Argiope. It is found most often in the late summer, early fall and is known for being very large (1 inch), building its nest while it's head is down (as you can see) and having as it's centerpost the zig zag silk piece which you can also see above. I had thought when I originally saw this that it was something that the spider had found to use in his web but now we know!!

This is the spider from the underside and you can more clearly see the zig zag web!

So this is one of three purses that I cut out and partially sewed together today. As I didn't have the webbing for the handles or the zippers, I had to stop here but they should go quickly together. They are from the pattern called Laura's tote from Creative Thimble. They are the authors of the Professional Tote pattern which I love and have made several of.

This is Priscilla's partially done "orange jacket" which contains very little orange -- well it was SUPPOSED to be an orange jacket. Marcia's "orange jacket" is still pinned neglected on her wall but she has been super busy lately with all the exhibits she is participating in as well as a trunk show she will be giving at Schweinfurth in November! Of course her orange jacket doesn't have any orange in it now -- it is mostly red and black too!
This is Marcia taking a break from the long arm machine and machine quilting on her Janome -- she was already questioning the wisdom of this. I really like this piece but it will be challenging to quilt!

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