Saturday, October 11, 2008

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

Well, wild abandon took over today and I basically just tried putting every color onto the size!! It was great fun. I even really played and took a print from a tray that had a very different look -- just a total play day. Not sure what this looks like, but I liked it!

The problem here is that I never run out of things at the same time!! I either have fabric left over and no size or size left over and no fabric. So I do up a bunch of whatever has run out and then the other runs out. Time is creeping up on me and I have a whole bunch of OTHER things I must do during the next week so will have to stop marbling at some point..... but in the meantime, here are the rainbow prints. Who knows what I will do tomorrow but I did buy some 5/inch needlepoint canvas today and these were created with a tighter needlepoint canvas!

Just so you would know that I do something other than marbling, here is the progress on the pelican which you will have to double click to see. You will also note that I have used a lot of marbled fabric both in the bird and in the background near the bottom. Some was probably cut off by my poor photography! The beak also makes use of my salt dyed fabrics as they were the perfect color and texture for the bird. I have machine quilted the bird and the right half of the background and will hopefully have it all done soon. It is tough on my shoulder to do too much machine quilting at one time.

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