Thursday, October 9, 2008

Trying to Bring a Little Cheer...

Obviously, these are pretty dark days if you have all your monies in IRAs which are in nice "safe" mutual funds..... Hopefully, I won't have to take any money out of these funds for awhile. Luckily, my dear husband has his money in cds so he may have to support me in my old age.

So, although I said I was going to quit for awhile, I am doing up more fabric as I found some nice cheerful colorways today so had fun doing bright cheerful fabric. Even my dear husband liked some of it (he's not a big textile fan).

How about some nice bright yellows and yellow/oranges. Looks like pumpkin time is here.

The second print from the above tray.

This was my favorite print for today with yellows, reds, purple and green. I used the same for the one below but didn't compress that one.

1 comment:

  1. I really, really, really NEED to come to your house to play!
