Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stress Free Days at Play

Well, two days off at the lovely Holiday Inn Express in Webster, NY just sitting with lovely ladies and quilting does make my blood pressure mellow out. This is our hostess and guru Janet Root, giving some advice to fellow club member Merilee.

And then I get home and opened up my email......a group I have been a member of for ten years is having a very painful growth spurt and I am frankly not sure I will be able to stand much more infighting. If I want bickering, I can go on a trip with my husband for several days! Being with the ladies in the dysfunctional group was always a lovely getaway but alas no more!

Anyway, I got a whole lot of "easy on the brain" work done during these last two days sitting at my trusty Featherweight with my shoes off! It is always nice to get together with a new group of people and get to know some out of your normal circle. All different kinds of work was going on, from very traditional to contemporary to art quilts. People were working in a variety of dress and undress (more on that later)!

This was a wall hanging that our own Priscilla was working on. This was an incredible piece of Vietnamese embroidery that she has never shared with Marcia and I before (we might have mugged her in the driveway if she had -- double click and see the incredible detail in this centerpiece).

The first quilt has lovely colors and she got a very large quilt top done in just two days. The second is a Dear Jane quilt but made with 6 inch blocks instead of the normal 4.5 inch blocks. I always like to see what someone has done with these blocks.

This was a top that Linda K was working on. She had done the center and outside blocks at two separate times and thought they might go well together and boy did they!!

This was Beverly using herself as a design wall -- unique as only Beverly can do!

This is the aforementioned Beverly with Pat ostensibly working on quilts.

Oh my who is this person who felt the need to quilt in her undies!! Identities have been hidden to protect the guilty. What kind of behavior is this for a staid lady in a very posh hotel conference room....

This is the beginning of the latest I Spy. I am just a few short for making one more after I finish this one. This was the perfect activity for this group sew in. I managed to machine quilt the first one I did yesterday on my handy featherweight using an original even feed foot which works really well!

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