Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring is Here!

This is Cheney sitting where our beloved kitty Mickey used to spend his days. Cheney is very much at home here and hasn't even tried to hide under a bed!! He is a very nice kitty!

These are the crocus which have popped up all over the front lawn. Warren adds to the population each fall with the intent of covering the whole lawn at some point.

This is a close up of some of the very pretty variegated crocus.

Again a grouping of very dark purple crocus which was a fairly recent addition.

Well, Thursday was the April meeting of RAFA and of course there was show and tell!

This is a piece that Pat F. did using some hand painted fabrics and lots of stitching. It was inspired from pictures of the southwest taken on her trip last year.

These next two pieces were done by Marcia E. They are just wonderful in person as photos don't do them justice. They both have won prizes at major exhibitions. The second one contains a photograph done on fabric in the background. Marcia does extensive applique using fusibles and then tons of machine stitching and thread painting.

This is a piece that Julie B designed using rug canvas and a crochet hook. I will have to look into this technique some more as it is a variation on rug hooking.

This is a piece Caren did in a Nancy Murty class. She added some paint to her flowers to give them more definition.

This was a piece inspired by the Esterita Austin class. Caren chose very different colors.

It was nice to see Brenda back in the group with such good humor. Her chemo and bone marrow transplant have gone well and she has her head of hair back. She looks terrific and I loved her piece which she insisted had some problems but I didn't know what!

The crocus are out and beautiful as the weather is cool which keeps them in peak bloom for more than a few days.

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