Monday, May 18, 2009

Marbling Mania!

Well, as I knew would happen, the Okey Doaky quilt top was finished by Sunday night. This was even with the help of my orange kitten who pounced and attacked the pattern, quilt and sewing machine with great glee! When he tired out, he found a nice soft place on the sewing machine table and slept. It is clear he doesn't want me out of his sight, just in case I may put down another can of food for him.

Then of course I did marble what was left of treated fabric and socks -- not much but I did treat another five yards of fabric today so tomorrow.....
I am relatively happy with these socks. Think they look better in person. The color is relatively evenly distributed. It is hard to coordinate my two hands moving in opposite directions across the tray getting these socks covered. Doing one at a time just doesn't work!
These were definitely Easter egg colors today!!

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