Friday, July 24, 2009

A Day at Quilting by the Lake (QBL)

Well, between the rain and the thunderstorms, we had a practically rainfree time at QBL on Thursday. They are at their new venue at Onondaga Community College just west of Syracuse but an easy drive from Rochester. I usually take classes but because of the stock market and the new house, I passed this year but will probably be going back next summer for at least one week.

After dire warnings about how terrible it would be if we photographed any of the quilts in the show or in the classrooms without the owner's persmission (and of course none of the owners were in the classrooms as they go to lunch during the tour), I was frustrated. I have always found it flattering to see my work displayed in someone's blog or Flickr site as long as someone wasn't portraying it as their own work. If I didn't want work to be seen, I wouldn't be doing it in a public classroom or entering it into a quilt show. I get quilt shows where there is a catalog or book not permitting pictures. I get artists not wanting to display their work before they publish it. Thankfully some friends were there and said as they always do -- sure!! I liked one person's approach which was just to put a sign saying "No pictures, please". I have suggested we do that at quilt club for those who don't want pictures of their quilts taken.

This wall hanging was done by Sarah Terry who is a member of our RAFA group. The inserts are all marbled fabrics that she has done and machine stitched.

This is a spectacular piece by Marilyn Belford who was teaching there this session. You can see how big it is from the woman standing in front of it. She is an incredible artists and is from the Binghamton area now although originally from NYC. She switched to fiber as a medium (she started with traditional quilts if I remember correctly) rather late in her career as an artist when her Binghamton studio space was not sufficient for the type of installations she was known for in the art world. She laughs that she never ever thought she would do representational work which is what she is so well known for in the art quilt community.

This is the "Thanks Kaffe" ensemble made by our very own Priscilla Kibbee for one of the last Bernina shows in Houston. Pictures never do justice to these magnificent garments which must be seen on the runway to fully appreciate the bling!!

I loved this quilt that was hanging in the show -- loved the leaves.

These two pieces are being done in Marilyn Belford's class. The artist is Caren Betlinski who is also in our group. The first picture was taken at lunch and the second at the end of the day. This is from a picture of her cousin's niece. A beautiful picture of a very pretty girl.


  1. What a great photo to show the scale of the piece from Marilyn Belford. I believe the woman is Ruth White of Ithaca, and she is a fine quiter as well. Love visiting with you.

  2. I didn't get to go to QBL this year Beth so I appreciate you posting photos.
