Monday, July 20, 2009

Marble Marble

Faced with the unending pile of really ugly fabrics, my only option was to resort to opaque black and whites to try to cover them up. Inadvertently I was thinking I wanted them to have a marble look...... Didn't occur to me that I was MARBLING so by definition they were a "marble" look. Now these new ones do look closest to marble though except for the little bit of color that is peeking through. Eventually I will have to try this technique on plain white or black fabric as I am sure it will lead to some interesting pieces.

You can kind of see the underlying piece on this one. It was big red and orange swirls that I had outlined in black. Kind of a greenish yellow background and sincerely hideous. This isn't great but is workable.
This was just done on a piece of the neverending cheap purples I have.

This was rust and black swirls and pretty ugly. Again, not wonderful but okay and useable.

This was done with a blue green background. The fabric wasn't as ugly as some and it is still okay.
The marbling has slowed way down but I did manage to make several cherry pies and freeze another two pecks of sour cherries so we can continue to have pies all year. The biggest challenge was finding room in the freezer!
Of course, I am still frequently visiting my "honorary" grandson Sam who is such a little cutie!! This way I am not bugging my own daughter who lives 3000 miles away for more visits with my granddaughter!


  1. Hi Beth---very interesting marbles. What do you use them in--quilting or garments. Once finished how is the "hand"? It looks like it would be stiff, but I know that isn't the case. Just wondering.


  2. The blue green one is gorgeous. I am in total awe of your marbling.

  3. I love using marbled fabrics in garments and also have been using them like any other commercial fabric in my pictoral quilts. My challenge is how to use them on their own and also how to feature them prominently in some artwork. Who knows -- I may come up with some totally new genre!
