Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pillowcase Party - the After Party

Well, Margaret and her committee have collected 1500 pillowcases to be distributed to various charitable organizations as part of our 2009 Quilt Show. Today was ostensibly to sort through the pillowcases and assign them to a proper category for distribution (children, patriotic, men's, women's colors). However, I got assigned to quality control early on which meant a close inspection of the pillowcases for loose threads, seams coming out, seams never done and a myriad of other minor problems!! It takes a LONG time to get through that many pillowcases even when there are 7 or 8 people working on it!! Margaret's house is in a beautiful location though and I spotted bluebirds and a beautiful red-tailed hawk from my position at the table (without even trying). Margaret says they have had bluebirds in their houses this year and new fledgelings already.

Of course as always it was a fun time with a wonderful lunch provided by Margaret out on her screened in porch. I also brought home with me a large bag of pillowcases which have to be resewn but that will be encouragement to take my serger out of retirement. The beach house is going to have a LARGE infusion of my own made pillowcases after I finish these up! It is a great way to use up a lot of fabric without too much effort! In fact, everyone may be getting pillowcases as presents this Christmas too! They are really fun and easy to make. Some of the ones today were incredibly beautiful or really cute or showed a wonderful sense of style. They gave me so many ideas. Many women put on an extra little piece of trim between the band and the main part of the pillowcase which really looked snazzy.
So Gail and Bill, are you ready for pillowcases??

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!! Yes!! I've loved your various fabric enhancements.
