Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is More Like It!

Rochester finally had a "snow event", our friendly local euphemism of one heck of a lot of snow! In one day, the skies opened up and made up for the lack of serious snow this winter (and maybe even last winter too). We went to bed with about a inch of snow on the ground (and showing no signs of changing) with the weather forecaster saying that it would all happen while we slept -- well they were right. It was an "omigosh" moment when I first opened up the garage door. Our driveway was coated with snow from 18 inches to 3 feet deep (at the end where our friendly plow had come through). It was the kind of wet snow that brings down branches and chokes the snowblower.
Of course my dear husband is out of town but this time instead of sunny California, he was in NYC and didn't do much better than we did in the snow department (yes, he did drive and left his car on Staten Island where he had to dig out this morning).

After spending an inordinate amount of time trying to get the snowblower to dispense with the snow, I was even too pooped to do any snow dyeing!! One doesn't have to go traipsing down the driveway dragging a bucket to get enough snow now! This is heavy duty snowman/snowball snow and we are told that it won't be stopping this week! There was another six inches on the driveway this morning (and of course the requisite 18 inches where the snowplow had plowed us in again) but six inches is a lot easier to deal with than 2 feet!
It is definitely a black and white world right now, more white than black. It still hasn't stopped...but at least I have some snowdyes batching down in the basement!

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