Thursday, April 1, 2010

April RAFA Meeting

This is a collage of the various pieces that were made for an sale/exhibit at the contemporary art center here in Rochester. They are all for sale for $20 each and these are being donated for the sale. Each piece is 6" x 6" even though they look different sizes.

A beyond gorgeous spring day and a lovely meeting of our RAFA group! There were lots of things to share at Show and Tell and a great afternoon presentation by members Jeanne Beck and Deborah Pope on developing a portfolio and artists' statements. Both these women are very accomplished in the tough world of fiber arts - Jeanne as a multimedia surface designer/quilt artist and Deborah as an extraordinary doll artist. They both shared their personal experiences in developing these tools for those of us who want to take some next steps up in pursuing representation through galleries, increase our teaching or merely show a more professional presence when selling our art.

One thing that Jeanne said really stuck with me and that was that developing your Artist's Statement really helped you focus on what you were trying to accomplish as an artist. I really think that is true. This type of artist's statement is an overall view of what you are doing rather than those statements that are attached to a specific piece of work which most people hate to do!

This purse just wowed me for a couple of reasons -- one I loved the fabric but two, it has the cleverest idea for the zipper!!! It is actually a half each from two separating zippers so you have a two tone zipper. I think you will have to double click on the picture to see the two colors -- how cool is that!

This is one of the many pieces that Sarah Terry shared today. She has been working feverishly the past two weeks after the passing of her mother.

The above piece by Sarah and this piece by Caren Betlinski both incorporate the Shiva paints and techniques illustrated in the Quilting Arts magazine.

This was the apron that Donna did using these Shiva sticks with stamps behind the fabric. It is just wonderful!

Okay, one last snow dye for the season!! Anne still has some snow in her yard way south of here. She said the snow is pretty wet by now and she had a pile of pieces and this was my very favorite. She has been dyeing up a storm lately. I think she is officially over on that dark side!!

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