Sunday, May 2, 2010

Return to Thong-less Kure Beach*

Nothing beats a leisurely stroll down the beach a low tide! I had to see if any of my birds were there on the "secret" beach as well. For the most part, I think they are off somewhere setting up their nests and bringing up their new fledglings. I did spot tree swallows this morning but they never stay still enough to get their pictures taken! This is the walk to my "secret" beach.

The weather is warm and humid (unseasonably warm but not as hot as it is in Boston evidently!). There is a wonderful breeze which almost makes you want to put on a sweater! The water seems to be about 75 degrees as well but that was only the Beth toe test -- there were people swimming though. This is literally the most crowded I have seen it down here. Even though the weather is similar to September, there was no one here in September -- must get tired of the beach by then!

I drove for 13 1/2 hours yesterday and had purchased two audio books to keep me company. They were absolutely awful books but kept me focused enough that the drive didn't seem bad at all. The kitties of course were very well behaved.
This is a laughing gull in his finest plummage looking for a lady I assume! They look so different in the spring than in winter!

I am assuming that this is a willet from behavior on the beach although I haven't looked him up! He just looks a bit brighter than he did in the winter (more contrast between his chest and back).

I just love these rock formations dripping with seaweed that are on the secret beach.

I saw these ladies (Jean and Eileen) doing what I thought might be scientific experiments as I walked down the beach. On my way back, I stopped to inquire and to my surprise they were trying painting using salt water soaked paper and tempera paints. Another lady had stopped by and she was encouraged to join. I could have joined as well but I thought documenting their efforts was a better idea! I did suggest they try sand as a resist which is the paper on top! We all agreed that acrylics might work better! What fun!!!
*In this week's paper, it was reported that Kure Beach has forbidden thongs on the beach much to the amusement of many and picked up by CNN. I had to leave my many thongs behind...

1 comment:

  1. I will relax vicariously through your beach posts!
