Sunday, July 25, 2010

Butterflies and Bird...

Still playing with the lenses and my camera and finally having more successes than failures but still not up to my standards! I am having fun trying to identify all the butterflies (and moths if I see any) that land on my neighbor's butterfly bush which sits right at the end of my driveway.

This is a Cabbage White and pretty common and one of the first butterflies out in the spring. This one has the black tipped ends and then one dot on each wing meaning it is a male. The females have two dots ! This one moves so fast I have had trouble getting a picture of him and had to go back to my telephoto lens finally.

This is again one of the Skippers which I think is a Peck's Skipper but may be wrong there.

And the Great Blue Heron is coming along. I have machine quilted all the sky background and most of his body and am trying to add some flying feathers with machine quilting to his front. May have to take a little artistic license here! It's coming along and I have been working on it quite a bit each day. You might see some of the detail if you double click on the image. His feathers are not done yet, nor is his head.


  1. The heron is looking fabulous!

  2. Beth
    I love your blue heron. Can't wait to see how you do the feather effect. I am staring at a bald eagle caricature on my design board and pondering also.
