Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just Playing

The past three days have been spent just playing with my new toy. It is just like getting a new sewing machine after you have had your old one for many years. You want the new features but it just works differently and it is so much easier to go back to the tried and true and PREDICTABLE! These are some lilies growing in the garden.

This is just a broad look at the garden growing in front of the house.
I do know that to fully utilize the telephoto, I am going to have to have a tripod, something I have been avoiding. Things just work differently in this camera. When I get good pictures, they are much crisper than my old camera. Now I can take ten pictures in the time it took to get one before so I have had to delete many pictures off my computer after taking them as I would soon run out of room!

I believe this is a buckeye from the markings but don't know which one. Will have to do a little more research. This is the third variety of butterfly I have seen on my neighbor's Butterfly Bush in the last three days. Today is the first day we have been able to tolerate being outside for any period of time -- very nice. The weather has been really hot and humid for up here -- shaping up to be the warmest summer in history for this area.

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