Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rochester Civic Garden Center Tour

Our next door neighbors, Joe and Sharon, have had spectacular gardens which have grown and changed over the years and which now cover their property and change with the seasons. These have been recognized twice getting a local "Garden of the Month" award. Today they were part of a large fund raiser for the Rochester Civic Garden Center. They were one of ten gardens chosen from Rochester, all in Webster this year. It was estimated that 650 people took the tour. The weather was perfect.

The above picture and this one are of some of the beautiful hydrangeas they have throughout their yard.

Sharon on the far right is explaining some of the features of the garden in the back of the house. These are very much woodland gardens as we are a heavily wooded area. They have created paths through the woods back here and have sculptures and fountains as well.
This is another view of the back garden after the folks had left.
Again, the garden area in the back. Joe and Sharon took out a huge tree a few years ago which opened up this area to a bit more light.

This is the area right in front by the mailbox. You can see the sign announcing the tour at the far left.

This is looking at the front of the house. The butterflies were even cooperating by frequenting the butterfly bush to the right.

This is the fountain in the back garden.

There were many visitors in the front yard, some of whom were trying to figure who the crazy lady taking pictures was and why she was taking the pictures at all!

Sharon again escorting visitors in the back in the early morning. There was a constant stream of people from the time it opened until 4 in the afternoon when the tour ended.

Some more visitors in the afternoon. This is the view from my house. I get to enjoy these beautiful gardens without having to do any work. We always say our yard is the comic relief!

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