Thursday, October 7, 2010

RAFA October 2010 Meeting

After a couple of miserable rainy days in Rochester best used for gentle napping, I headed off to our monthly art quilt group meeting. What a surprise to find a whole herd of ladies sporting newly created felted vests and jackets!! Evidently in my absence, there had been a class with a teacher from South Carolina who was here for a local Fiber Festival. It looks like it was a great class but I am not sure my old hands would have lasted!! Here are right to left Barbara, Caris, Donna, Sue, Anne and Sally!! The first five made their jackets in the aforementioned class while Sally coincidentally took a different class with a different technique.

Here is a closeup of Sally's vest. The inside is a hand dyed indigo piece she had done.

Here is a closeup of Donna's jacket. She decided to add sleeves to the vest pattern and she was the one who arranged the class.
Here is the closeup of Sue's vest.

And of course Caris who always does beautiful work and this was no exception. Of course with her figure, she can wear anything too!

Anne Fischer is helping Barb adjust her vest to fit her. Anne is in the foreground. All the jackets were very different and all beautiful!

Here is Anne showing her latest piece. The leaves and the owl are all done with thread painting which is her signature. This piece will soon reside with its new owner.

Mary did this small piece this summer amongst all her other activities!
This is a closeup of Sally's vest as well as two felted bowls that she made. She is holding a third but it didn't make the picture. Sally is definitely an overachiever!

Julie did this quilt as a tribute to her Polish great grandmother who only by serendipity managed to escape Poland before WWII. Julie has been working on creating designs that she has professionally printed. Both the front and the back of this quilt employed this technique.

This is the back of the quilt above.

Nancy took a nuno felting class and produced this stunning scarf!

Pat Berardi has discovered that she loves teaching. This is one of her small landscapes using the curved piecing technique.

She also created this techniques quilt which literally shimmered. Double click for more detail!

Varda is showing one of two scarves that she has knitted using a clever technique of knitting the long way and leaving the ends hanging out as fringe on one end. It is a great way to use up some scraps.

Val shared a piece that she had started in a Rosalie Dace class.

And last but not least, Glynnis poured three bags of hand dyed scraps on the table for anyone that wanted some! It was a very colorful display. Glynnis also shared some business cards that she had printed by -- interesting as they allow up to 40 different images for the business cards!

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