Thursday, November 11, 2010

GVQC - November Meeting Part 1

These art quilts were all done in a workshop held by Rosalie Dace after our September meeting. The two photos below are closeups of these quilts.

There have not been a lot of quilts for show and tell the last few meetings I have gone to but people certainly made up for it today!! There were lots and lots of quilts to admire as well as a trunk show by one of our very prolific and talented members -- Chris Wickert. What a surprise it was to see so many quilts that I had either never seen or that I had seen so long ago, I didn't remember them. Chris is one of the most prolific quilters I have met and her quilts are exquisitely done -- wonderful workmanship in piecing, applique and hand quilting.

Carolyn is another long time quilter who for many years did all the quilt appraisals in the area and has led several significant quilting projects. She shared two quilts that she had worked on for schools today. Chris Wickert also shared a couple of the quilts made for schools. Unfortunately, because of fire codes, they can no longer have them on the walls -- how sad as I am sure they were really enjoyed.

Mary Lou did this next series of three quilt tops. She is known for her exquisite applique and quilting .

We finally had a new member come in to day from California who was male. We have had at least one male member before but he was not an active quilter. Mike is a very active quilter and said he had been doing this for 40 years. He moved here from California and we certainly welcome him to GVQC! This and the next quilt were his and you can see him pictured with his quilt below.

These three ladies all showed small quilts they had done in a threadpainting class taught by RAFA member Anne Fischer. Anne is a master at machine thread painting as are several others in our group.

This is a closeup of the middle quilt above. Double click to see a detail of the stitching.

Ruth Ohol is another of our incredibly talented and very busy ladies. Above is a closeup of the quilt shown below so that you can see the beautiful machine quilting that she is known for!!

This is RAFA member Nancy who is wearing a new vest that she BOUGHT on her recent trip to Japan. Nancy makes a lot of quilted clothing but you wouldn't believe the construction of this vest. It is a rectangle with two round holes that are bound that the arms go through. That is it.... She took it off to show us. It looked just perfect on Nancy.

Nancy also bought a quilt! It was completely hand done and she was fascinated by the use of the cathedral window pattern to make this two sided quilt. This is the front and the picture below is the back.

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