Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tracing the Lions (or Lines?)

These are the berries on our ash tree in front on a beautiful November day! Looks pretty patriotic to me!

Yesterday, we had a gathering at Marcia's beautiful studio and I managed to capture Priscilla and Genie Barnes in some of their banter back and forth. They were just great fun to be with and listen to!! I love Priscilla's jacket which she got somewhere in Southeast Asia.

This is the ongoing saga of the lions. I am now in the step of tracing all my lines onto the shiny side of the freezer paper. I have two 18 inch width and 6 feet long pieces of freezer paper taped together using bandage tape. I have one more 6 feet long piece to add to the one side. It is tedious and I know I will be addding more lines as I progress but I am making steady forward motion. Marcia's studio has the advantage of good company and no 14 lb orange kitties to impede the process. This picture, however, was taken up in my own sewing room where I have cleared my sewing table completely so I can get this done. Of course the going is much slower here as George insists upon helping by rolling around all over the paper! I still have quite a few steps to go before I can start auditioning the fabric which I at least have gathered together. My goal is to have all the drafting and organizing done before leaving for the beach again. Then when I come back I will be all ready to turn up the heat and start piecing! I would love to have it done for our GVQC 75th Anniversary quilt show next June. I know once I get going, it will go pretty fast and the machine quilting should be pretty straightforward so I won't have to stew along time on that!

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