Monday, March 14, 2011

Priscilla's Two Day Jacket Class

Having taken Priscilla's jacket class a number of times, I didn't sign up for our club's class which was pretty much filled anyway!
However, since it was close by, I decided to stop in and take some pictures and nag people to finish!! No one actually finished but many were well on their way and had at least the back done and parts of the front. Priscilla actually taught two jackets in this class -- one a classic sleeved version and another she calls the "Butterfly Jacket" which is kind of a marriage of a vest and a jacket. I have made two of this kind of jacket and it is a wonderful starting place for making pieced clothing. You can see the jacket above is well on its way. I was really impressed with the color choices that the people in this group made -- some beautiful combinations.
Priscilla teaches an excellent class as I have mentioned before. She is super knowledgeable and shares very freely everything she knows. She can also be counted on to help later on if you don't finish in class. She never imposes her own tastes (unless it is to one of her friends and then she doesn't hesitate to tell you what she thinks!!).

This is some of the strips that were created by the end of the first day. It is a good loosening up exercise and gets you to look at your fabrics closely.

Here is a primary color scheme and it uses a strip set that I really like and hadn't seen before (the one on the right).
This was a beautiful combination. She started out with a whole rainbow of colors and then moved to this wonderful blue and yellow combination.
Here is another beautiful start to a jacket.

Priscilla is helping the ladies finish up here and has her "signature" diet coke sitting in front of her. I have never seen Priscilla without diet cokes somewhere nearby!

Everybody is around Priscilla to get directions for starting.

Jenna is hard at work here.

Another pretty combination of colors and strips!

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