Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Random Ducks....

It was a really bright sunny afternoon last week when I headed up to the outlet again to see what the melting ice had revealed. As it turned out, the backgrounds on the pictures were really nicer than the ducks IMHO!

Here is a scaup and a female Common Merganser. There were quite a few Common Mergansers that day which was unusual.

I took this one for my sister who hadn't seen the Redheads -- there were again lots and lots of these mixed in with the Scaups.

This was a female Goldeneye. The male was there last week.

A closeup of the female Common Merganser. I love the blue skies reflecting off the water and so clear you can see her orange feet.

Again, the female Goldeneye


  1. Beautiful pictures. Reminds me that spring does come again every year.

  2. Thank you for pointing out the different ducks and their names. I guess I have always lumped all the ducks in as one group and never paid attention to their distinguishing characteristics. I love the Goldeneye!

