Friday, April 15, 2011

April GVQC Meeting

This is the monthly parade of comfort quilts (made for charity). I turned in 14 today and here are some marching across the stage! This was all part of my cleanup of old fabric initiative!
A big part of the day for me was having a "sale" table at the back of the room where club members could buy some of my books and fat quarters. I sold almost everything and gave the rest away so I came home with a trunk full of empty boxes.
Priscilla had the table right next to me. She was smart and brought extra tables with her, one of which she kindly lent me so I could spread out a bit! She of course has all sorts of fantastic goodies and I had been whining that people were going to spend all their money at her table and not buy my books! She says I have to keep my mouth shut now as I had a constant stream of buyers although she had the ones with deeper pockets!!
Jenna showed off the two butterfly jackets she had made since Priscilla's March class. They are both gorgeous!
The back of the second jacket!
This was another of the class members modelling her jacket from the class -- class members had their choice of making one of two jackets.
This was a first quilt of a new quilter. It was from a Janet Root class and Janet had said to bring scraps from your stash which this lady didn't have. She did an excellent job and it looked beautiful!!
This was one of several quilts that our own Nancy L showed. Loved the bright colors!
This was a perfectly beautiful quilt but can't remember who made it. Lovely, lovely
This was another beautiful quilt which exquisite long arm machine quilting. The next shot is of the back. It really enhanced the quilt.

For the first time in years, I didn't go to Spring Fling because there wasn't the space that there usually is and I didn't sign up in time. Janet is always one of our experts and she shared how to do houses at this retreat. This is Nancy's version.
This was another version of the houses from the above retreat.
Our planned speaker and teacher had a sudden death in the family and cancelled at the very last minute. Coincidentally, our program chair also died suddenly last week. Our own RAFA member Pat Berardi stepped in at the very last minute and did a trunk show of her quilt journey over the past dozen years. It went extremely well and we got to see some of Pat's wonderful quilts again. This one was a prize winner two quilt shows ago. Pat pieced it over a long period and Teddy Ahern did an exquisite job of machine quilting it including trapunto!
This was a quilt that started as one thing and then Pat cut apart the squares she had made and cut them up and reassembled them. It really works!
This was an incredible machine embroidered quilt!


  1. Another great "show", Beth, including your usual wonderful commentary, almost as good as being at your quilt club meetings myself! Sue M.

  2. Thanks for the update on the meeting, Beth. I was out of town and wondering how it went. See you next month.
