Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The ArT QuILT ExPERIENCE - Part II - The Shows

Basin and Range by Frauke Palmer. I loved this very bright piece. It is 40" x 53".

Sunday was the Opening Reception for the The ArT-QuILT ExPERIENCE ( Jonathan Holstein, Eugenie Barnes and Ann Clark (Dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University) were the jurors and 64 quilts were selected out of an international call for art quilts. The exhibition continues through the end of July and I really encourage people to take the opportunity to see it. They have also published a very nice catalog which is available for $25.

These pictures do not do justice to these quilts as you can't appreciate the size. The quilts are all at least 36" x 36" with many larger and these small pictures do not capture the detail and texture (although you can double click on them to see them larger).

This is View from a 747 by Marianne R. Williamson. This was another of my favorites.

This is Words 3 by Jette Clover of Belgium. Several of us spent some time trying to figure out just how she got these images.

This is Pod by Betty Busby. Pictures don't do this or the other quilts justice as they were just stunning!

I was sure when I saw the poster that this was a photograph but it certainly wasn't!! You can't see from the photo, but the background was really textured with bits of overlapping pieces of fabric.

This is Cityscapes #5 by Beata Keller-Kerchner of Switzerland. Her other piece in the show won the first place.

This is another very textured piece called Alberta Rockies #3 by Patti Morris of Canada.

This is a piece by Elin Noble who does extraordinary surface design work. I am pretty good at "deconstructing" how someone does a piece, but she uses so many processes, I don't even begin to understand her methods. I had the great pleasure of chatting with her for some time and meeting her delightful husband as well! Again, I would urge anyone who is interested in dyeing or painting fabric to immediately sign up with classes with her! I have been in three and always learn something new!

This is Down the Coast #4 by Noel Keith. I loved this one as well and have been thinking some time of doing one like this.


  1. Great photos, Beth. I am just starting to post mine!

  2. Thank you for your comments and posting Xcaret: Orchid Blossoms I on your blog. I was not able to see the show. I'm glad you liked my quilt
