Thursday, August 2, 2012

July RAFA Meeting -- Post QBL

A new month has rolled around and time for the meeting of the Rochester Area Fiber Artists (RAFA).  This is always a fun meeting as many members have been away for two weeks taking classes at a  yearly quilt conference in Syracuse.

This piece is by a new member, Marcia Birken.  She is relatively new to sewing but you certainly could never tell from the quality of the workmanship and the color choices in this piece.  The center diamond was done in a GVQC class and she really didn't like it so decided to just play and use some of the new techniques she learned at the Ricky Tims seminar.  Awesome!!

Glynnis is able to make it to our summer meetings which is great as we sorely missed her (she is a school teacher by profession).  She went to Wegmans, bought 5 lbs of ice and did some ice dyeing.  Somehow it never occurred to me to buy the ice so may take that approach very soon and do some of my own!!  When I move south, this will be the only kind of cold resist dyeing I will be able to do!!

Both Caris and Janet took the same class.  This class involved lots of painting, stitching and then more painting and was to use map images.  Caris is just beginning and with her wonderful taste and workmanship, this will be wonderful when done!

This is Janet's piece from the same class.  The tree has been stitched and then overpainted.  Interesting technique!

Donna bought a couple of dyed silk and felted scarves to share.  This one is double sided silk with the darker areas being felted.  She made 15 yards of this and will use it in a jacket she will be making.  Her tshirt is ice dyed and just beautiful as well!

Janet encouraged a new person (Stephanie) she met to join the group and this was her first "show and tell".  It was a small beautifully done Great Egret with all sorts of different techniques.  She had taken Cynthia Corbin's class in addition and showed a number of the studies she did there.  Cynthia is definitely one of my very favorite teachers and probably had more influence untimately on me than about anyone else!!  It was great to have Stephanie sitting next to me so I could get to know her a little more -- a great addition to the group as is Marcia!!

Beth K shared this wonderful piece she did in a class with Rosalie Dace.  She signed up immediately for another one with her next summer!  

Julie shared this wonderful little piece which makes use of her digitally created fabric.  She offers this service on line through Red Dog enterprises (at a very reasonable price I might add).

This was a very nice piece done by Liz with all sorts of embellishments.

Sarah has brought the newest Mickey Lawler book (didn't know there was a new one) and couldn't resist creating some fabric to help with the decoration of her new Tucson home.

 Caren created this piece in her class and then created the piece below with the leftover scraps!  

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this post, Beth. I was sorry I had to miss this meeting and loved getting to see what people have been doing!
