Friday, September 21, 2012

More Fort Fisher Butterflies and a New Dragonfly

This is the very Common Buckeye butterfly.  I saw a lot of these the last time I walked down at Ft. Fisher but they were impossible to photograph.  Today I was a bit more successful.

 I couldn't resist the Gulf Fritillary even though they are as common as the Monarchs were up north.  They were fighting for position on all the painted daisies but they pose so nicely for me.

This is a somewhat bedraggled Northern Cloudywing which isn't a particularly pretty butterfly to begin with.  There were a couple of other dullish butterflies that just wouldn't sit still or were so obscured by the background that I couldn't snap their pictures.

I think this is an Orange Sulfur.  It was darker than the Cloudy Sulfurs that I see so much around the house.

I believe this is a Seaside Dragonlet dragonfly.  I saw this at my walk at Carolina Beach Lake yesterday.  The weather has been stunningly beautiful -- more pleasant than I would expect for this time of year!  It was just about two years ago that we had 23 inches of rain in 4 days!!

I saw these two wildflowers at Carolina Beach Lake and thought they were really pretty -- especially the pink one which was growing very close to the water.

This was one of the bunches of Painted Daisies that grow along the path at Ft. Fisher attracting the butterflies!

I will get back to sewing but can't stand to be inside when the weather is so beautiful and I can get a little exercise and take some pictures at the same time.  Of course time is spent sitting on the beach as well on my porch watching the beach!!  I put in a good sized order to Hancocks for Kaffe Fassett fabrics yesterday as well so will have to use some of that up quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I have seen so many butterflies this year. Not sure if we just have more in the area, or if I happen to frequent places where butterflies tend to be. ~Katy
