Thursday, September 13, 2012

Okay, a Day of Butterflies....

 Today was another gorgeous North Carolina day and I celebrated with a walk down along the beach at Ft. Fisher.  There were many, many Gulf Fritillaries on the painted daisies which are all along the stone path.  You don't see these up north.
 This is the underside of the Gulf Fritillary.

I believe this is a Sleepy Orange.  It had a bright orange upper side but I couldn't get a picture of it from that angle.  It was not one of the cloudy sulfurs that I see a lot of at the house here.  

These are two of the many Palamedes Swallowtails that were on my neighbor's flowers.  I had not seen one of these before and there were a few there today.  I must say that these were taken with my little camera from a third floor porch and the garden was a good 50 feet from the vantage point.  I am very pleased with the quality of the shots!

Just one of the swallowtails.


  1. Great photos - beautiful subjects. I LOVE butterflies! Thanks for sharing.
