Friday, October 12, 2012

My In House Pastry Chef!

Warren has taken up bread making the last couple of years and his latest challenge has been to make pan au chocolat (chocolate croissants).  This was the third iteration and definitely the best (but  with1/2 lb of butter and chocolate, you can't go too far wrong).  Now just to keep away from them....not sure even my arteries are immune to these!

This is the view from my walk down the Ft. Fisher beach at high tide.  There is definitely no comparison between Rochester in October and Kure Beach!!

This is a Northern Cloudywing (I think).  I thought the wing positioning was interesting.  It is definitely one of the Skippers.

Yesterday, there was a plethora of the Common Buckeyes -- I liked the background for this one.The Painted Daisies are beginning to die down a bit now but there are lots of other wildflowers taking their place.

I think this is a bluebird but it was quite far away but was the right size and color.

Today down at Carolina Beach Lake, there were four new domestic ducks and geese.  Someone must be leaving these off after tiring of them.  They seem to do fairly well there but I think it is sad that people are dumping their pets.  They weren't hanging out with the rest of the gang yet.