Friday, January 25, 2013

Another Quilt Done....Only Two to Go

As I don't have a decent design wall down here, had to photograph the latest "serendipity" quilt on the floor so it is a little askew.  I have even finished another except for the binding as the weather has been a little chilly for sitting outside and reading which is how I spend many days when the weather is nice!  The temps have actually been in the 30s a couple of mornings -- I am getting to be a whiny southerner about weather these days and would prefer not to have to break out my coat at all!

We have had some beautiful sunny days though which did allow me to get pictures of some birds that I hadn't gotten good pictures of before as well as seeing some of my old favorites again.  A lot of those pictures will be in my next blog with hopefully the next finished quilt!

This is one of the frequently seen sparrows down here -- the Savannah Sparrow which I have seen each winter.  He seems to be building a nest somewhere.

Can't believe I saw another Kingfisher, this one down at Ft. Fisher where I see my Oystercatchers!  It is another male.  They are turning into what my BIL calls "flivers" or frequently seen birds not worth taking pictures of!!

The other day I spotted this juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron on a perfectly beautiful day sitting up in a tree.  A treat to see one awake while it is still light out.

I even got a good enough photo so you can see a closeup of his beak and eye here.

Even the Boat Tailed Grackles are pretty on a nice day.  Here are Heckel and Jeckel down at Ft. Fisher.

This is a collage of pictures I took of the live oaks and the path down at Ft. Fisher.  I love the curves and color of this canopy of trees.


  1. Love the birds,I have been going out almost every weekend and we see so many..if you ere here you would absolutely love it!
