Thursday, March 28, 2013

More New Purses!

It has been extra cool down here but at least we have nice blue skies.  This looked like a scene from The Birds with all the Laughing Gulls in their summer plumage making a terrible racket!

This is another of the purse I have made already using a nice Kaffe Fassett print!

This is another pattern I had brought down with me and had yet another zipper technique -- my favorite so far!  This was super easy to make as most of the Lazy Girl patterns are.  I didn't have enough fabric to make the stripes go in the other direction but they look okay anyway. I made the outside of the purse out of two random 1/2 yd pieces of fabric.  One of the pockets is lined with the stripe and one is lined with the flower print.

The zipper is set down about an inch from the edge of the lining.

This is the pattern I used for this purse.  I am making at least one more from this pattern but instead of making the inside pockets like they are in this pattern, I am going to make one side a zippered compartment like the ones on the outside of the top purse.  I am also going to add fleece to that outside pocket as it feels flimsy.  We will see how this goes.  I am also using a much shorter zipper.  The pattern calls for an 18 inch zipper but you end up cutting off about 4 inches near the end.  There is a reason for this extra length as I am sure it makes it easier to deal with putting the zipper in.  I may use the technique from the first purse above to make the zipper longer as well.   I have now completed five purses in the past week.

I had a really bad month with a recurring whiplash injury last month so am now making up for lost time!! I was afraid to try any kind of repetitive activity while I was getting over the muscle spasms.

No day is complete without some of my birds.  Here is another one of my favorites -- the oystercatcher.  There were two down at the end of Ft. Fisher today along with the dozens of squawking laughing gulls.  

 The Savannah Sparrow stayed still long enough for me to get a couple of decent pictures.  He hangs out in the rocks and along the beach at Ft. Fisher.

He stopped and posed for me before crossing the walk.

This is the sand that they are pumping onto the beach as part of the renourishment -- hope it looks cleaner later!!  They are dredging the sand from further north and bringing it down here.  They are supposed to be done here by the end of the month but they are one dredge short according to the paper this morning which has slowed things down.

Last night there was a full moon and a clear night so this is the moonrise over the Atlantic in front of our house.

1 comment:

  1. I love all your beautiful bags. They are stunning. Keep up the eye candy bags!
