Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Purse Making Weather Has Finally Gone!

I think there are still two missing but these are most of the puses I have made over the past couple of weeks.  The weather had been cooler than normal and I am babysitting kitties so have spent more than the usual amount of time indoors.  I have had a wonderful time making all these purses, putting extra zippers in a lot of them.  I am going to combine a lot of the techniques and come up with my own purse design.  At this point I feel pretty "purse literate".  

I am very very happy to report that I finished all the quilting on the inside of the Baltimore Album style quilt.  Most of these blocks are from various Elly Sienkiewicz books.  I still have four or five more blocks to find a use for.  I am doing lines parallel to the vine in the border outside.  Lines will be about an inch apart.  I wanted something different for the outside and something more organic.  Now just have to finish the corners.  The quilting in the border is going quickly so I will probably have it done for our quilt show in June!

I think the Mourning Doves are pairing up.  I believe they mate for life.  These two were hanging out on a gorgeous day down at Ft. Fisher.

I couldn't resist this Laughing Gull who was meandering right in front of me.

In the winter, the Ring Billed Gull was the most common one down here but now it is the above Laughing Gull.  Everyone is moving north I guess!

My Oystercatchers were down at the beach but I couldn't get anywhere near them -- they remain my favorites though!

The next few days are the Azalea Festival down here and luckily I have a friend coming from up north so I will have an excuse to get involved in some of the festivities!  Our first trip will be the Nature Conservancy Tour on Bald Head Island though!!  Hopefully we will see something interesting!


  1. love love love all the purses. Can't wait to see your design.

  2. what will you do with the handbags? too many to use yourself?
    Sandy in the UK
