Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The End of the Purses.....For Now

It must be the full moon that has finally stopped me from producing more purses!!  (Actually, it is the fact that I am heading for home before too long and need to clean...)

After using other people's patterns for all of the previous purses (three different patterns), I decided it was time to combine my favorite aspects of each as well as make some additional zippered compartments and to make one in a larger size.  The follow four purses are the result of this.  I drafted a size that I liked and made it all rectangles.  The end size is 12 x 12 x 4 (or 12 x 16).  The straps are long enough to go over your shoulder (I like to carry my purse under my arm and over my shoulder).  There is a secret zippered cell phone pocket inside one of the outside pockets and there are two zippered pockets inside.  There is a zipper across the top but doesn't completely cover the top so you can slip things into the purse without unzipping it.
Like the above purse, it is made of some random batiks that I brought down here.  I use 3 different prints that go together.  I manage to squeeze these out of 3 1/2 yard pieces of fabric although I have had to piece a strap or two as well as use some random scraps for pockets (but who sees those).  I wanted to use the fabrics I had brought down ostensibly to make scrap quilts.  I had a lot of leftover 1/2 pieces of batik from the batik sampler exchange I was on.  I rarely use half yard or quarter yard pieces anymore in my quilts.  Some of the other purses were made form 2 fat quarters instead of full 1/2 yard pieces.

I switched around the fabrics on this one and made the trim a little different.

I think that this front panel will be a great place to show off a great block or one of Priscilla's embroideries or molas or maybe my marbled fabric.  It is 9 x 9 square.  Then I will have to figure out what to do with the side panels to enhance.  I hate to just use black as it picks up every cat hair for miles...maybe just for the straps.  I can easily make this with a zipper that completely encloses the purse, no top zipper at all or in a variety of sizes.  This one is big enough to fit my little notebook computer and my Kindle as well as wallets etc..

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Now you'll have to write up the pattern so we can all make these great purses. See you soon! Diane
