Saturday, July 13, 2013

July RAFA Meeting

Well, here they are, all ironed finally although it did take me a good week to do it!  Just to remind you -- each piece is about two yards and the piles sit about 30 inches high!  You can see all my nice reds and greens.   I did add three more to my overdye pile (the lightest shades of the grey and blue gradations) and one ickier green that will improve with a little navy I am sure.  The one in the middle of the left hand pile had a navy overdye.  

There are several group members that belong to a couple of subgroups that get together and try different techniques.  This piece was done using paintsticks which was one of their meeting challenges.

This one by Donna used the sticks for rubbing over something  underneath the fabric.  I suspect the fabric was one of her hand dyes as well and beautiful use of color I thought.

Diane Miller showed a new piece she has done as part of her Katie Pasquini-Mausopaust class.  She has to follow very specific challenges for each of these pieces and she didn't like the orange/red dots when she had this done.  We all suggested that it perked up the piece and a suggestion was made to turn the piece.

We all liked the piece better with this orientation as the eye naturally goes from left to right and the dots kind of guide you.  This piece contained seven different values. of the blue/green.

Glynis has the summer off from teaching so joined us for our meeting.  She is one of our resident dyers and this piece was part of a sunflower challenge in another quilt group to which she belongs.  Lots of nice quilting on this piece.

Diane also took an online dyeing course and this was one of the pieces she did -- just stunning I thought!  This was a full yard piece.

Karen also took the felting landscape class and did this piece (although not a landscape).  This is part of her graffiti series.  Looking forward to seeing more.  Her landscape was beautiful as well!

Kathi is full of surprises and is also quite prolific obviously!  This was a piece she did with a group playing with soy  wax.  Loved it!

Another of Kathi's soy wax pieces -- beautiful!

Kathi also did this piece in Pat Pauly's Big Leaf class at the q uilt show.  Her choice of colors certainly made her variation stand out.  She is a mighty competitor as she won the Iron Quilter last year and also won second place this year!!

Although you can't see the whole piece in this picture, this was another of Kathi's creations, begun  in a Nancy Crow class at Quilting By the Lake.  Beautiful!

This is an unfinished piece from Anne.  She was auditioning things to put in the far right hand side of the piece to connect it better with the rest.  This is an abstract of the view from one of her windows.  Anne won the Iron Quilter competition this year!  

We had a good group at RAFA this last meeting but were missing some of our favorite people as well.  Next month is the meeting after everyone goes off to take courses at QBL and it is ALWAYS good.  I of course don't go anymore nor even take the tour as they don't allow any picture taking.
If I can't take pictures, then I haven't been there!!

I am going to be demo-ing different zipper applications at the next RAFA meeting -- these are different techniques used in the purses I have been making so I need to get some demo material together showing the different steps so several purses half made will do the trick I think!

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is WOW on the dyed fabric. Thanks for sharing it!!
