Friday, December 13, 2013

Alligators, Birds and Stuff

 I just can't help myself taking pictures of pretty sunsets at Ft. Fisher.  This day I actually drove on my way home from somewhere else when I noticed it would be a good sunset day!!

 I went to Greenfield Lake Park one day to see if there were any of the Shovelers (there weren't) and it was a gorgeous warm day (close to 80 that day) and this 8 foot alligator decided it was a good day to come out and sit in the shade.  This was not where I usually see them!!  He had to be 8 feet long!

I used my telephoto to get up close and personal as he had his eye on me!
This was just a view into the Cypress swamp near where I saw the alligator.  

I try to get down to Ft. Fisher at low tide each day to see what is wondering around.  A couple of mornings ago, it was this male Belted Kingfisher.  I had to take pics while still in the car as they are very shy and won't let you get anywhere near them!

On my way back, I stopped by the rocks and my usual walking place and noticed this House Wren sitting out on the rocks.  Usually you see the Carolina Wrens around here, especially at my daughter's house!!

Yesterday there were all sorts of birds down at the basin.  I just love the Oystercatchers and there were dozens of them yesterday.  There were one remaining Godwit, many Semi-palmated Plovers, Horned Grebes, Ibis, Egret, Herring Gull and the  usual Ring-Billed and Laughing Gulls.

Here are two Horned Grebes.  They don't let you get too close and spend a lot of their time diving for fish.

Here is a closeup of a Horned Grebe.

This is a Forster's Tern which we see frequently down there.

This is a view to the long brick wall I have mentioned before which separates the basin from the Cape Fear River.  Note all the Oystercatchers!

I have been working hard on finishing the jacket and finally I got it done several days ago.  This is the back and the next picture is the front.

I hadn't sewed the linings down at this point but it is all done now!  I actually found some silk at a local quilt shop for the lining.  Optimistically, I bought enough to finish another jacket as well!!

After I finished the jacket, I decided it was time to make my granddaughter some new clothes for Christmas as I just like to do that.  Here are two jumpers (corduroy) and two dresses.  I  underestimated the fabric needed so had to line with some of my quilt fabric but think I like it even better, especially for the corduroy jumpers which would have been pretty bulky with corduroy!  Now to get them packed up and in the mail.  There are kitties on the fabric on the far left and a jungle scene for the one on the right!

Now I am making some purses from kits I made up before leaving home.  Of course I forgot how to put them together but after staring at them for awhile and undoing a little stitching, I remembered (and will now document for myself).  It has been months since I have made purses!

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