Sunday, February 9, 2014

Didn't Miss the Cedar Waxwings After All!

 Spring must be coming as I am suddenly seeing lots of Robins as well as the Cedar Waxwings.  I had never seen a Cedar Waxwing before this year even though they are a common bird found throughout the east.  

Mrs. Robin was nearby.

The Cedar Waxwings seem to travel in rather large flocks.  While in Florida, I had seen many pictures from my NC friends of trees filled with Cedar Waxwings and was hoping I would get to share that experience.  This was one of the trees that I saw absolutely filled with the Waxwings.  They seem to favor the barren trees that are above the rest.  They also fly off in a group like the Starlings do and I wonder how many flocks that I thought were Starlings were indeed these Waxwings.

They are really a pretty day especially when framed by the stunning azure skies we often have.  The day of this picture was a hint of spring for sure with the 70 degree temps while the north was suffering with the snowstorms.

Two together.

Pictures from a cloudy day but you can see those bright yellow tips on their tails.

There were actually four of these birds sitting close together and one spread out his tail for me.

I actually thought the branch might break when the last one landed.  If you look really closely at the bird second from the left in the top row, you will see the red speck of color on his wings.

Walking on the path to the east pond by the aquarium, I spotted this Brown Thrasher.  He was pretty fast heading back off the path and into the woods.

A little blurry as the Thrasher was running here but at least  you see his striped belly here.

Of course the Wilson's Snipe was back again for a second day at the parking lot.  I saw him a couple of days later on another of the aquarium paths.  I must have surprised him as he flew up right in front of me.

Pretty male Hooded Merganser at the aquarium pond.  Still lots of them there.

There were also both female and male Ruddy Ducks.  This is a male.

I swore I wouldn't take another picture of the Yellow-rumped Warbler but he was posing so nicely.  They used to be called Myrtle Warblers.  They are flying around like a swarm of bees when you drive  you car down Ft. Fisher Blvd down near the aquarium!!

1 comment:

  1. Cedar Waxwings are one of my favorite birds -- thanks for sharing. I don't get to see them very often. When they come through Houston, where I live, if you are not in the right place at the right time, you miss them.

    You probably already know about Terese Agnew's quilt "Cedar Waxwings at the AT&T Parking Lot" (featured on Craft In America on PBS), but if not, see
