Sunday, June 15, 2014

Back at GVQC

 It was very late in the year that I finally made it to the meeting of my home guild here -- namely the last meeting of the year!  There were one heck of a lot of "comfort quilts" being shown this meeting.  This is a very prolific guild and there were some very pretty quilts.

This is one of the two sample quilts that show what will be offered at the fall retreat called "Fall Migration".  I really miss attending those events.  This one is called "wonky crosses" - very improvisational.

This is the other pattern to be done in Fall Migration - an easy way to do kalaidoscopes.  

These were a couple of the art quilts shown in "show and tell".  I wish I could remember who did these.

These were two landscapes done by Marcia B started in a class with Karen Eckmeier -- who is always a lot of fun!

This was a "watercolor" quilt done by our one male member whose name I don't know!!  Of course I love the heron!!

For some reason there were one heck of a lot of blue and white quilts.  Most were scrap quilts.

 Loved the color choices in this one.

A nice set for this block.

This was a sashiko quilt done by Ann Nash who is a wonderful quilter and spent a lot of time in Japan.  She also hand quilted this quilt as well.

Loved this quilt by Vicki C.!!

It was good to see everyone again.  I haven't been real active in the blog lately as I have been trying to get a grip on getting rid of a lot of stuff!!  I had bought those 27 inch squares pieces of upholstery and drapery samples for years (very very very cheap I should add which accounts for the fact that I have about 15 large boxes full of them).  I went through them all and have saved about four boxes for myself and dragged the rest upstairs and will give them all away!!  There are some beautiful pieces in there as I only bought the 100% cotton or other natural fibers in the drapery fabrics although synthetics in the upholstery fabrics. Many are from Germany, France or Japan.

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