Monday, August 4, 2014

Finishing up Some Projects

 I found these blocks in a box under my bed.  I know from the fabric and pattern (album block which is very common in NY in the 1860's through the end of the 19th century).  They are pretty stained and I am doing the unforgiveable by soaking them in Oxyclean to see if I can brighten them up a bit.  They look a lot worse than this picture shows!!  It's not taking the stains out unfortunately but didn't damage the blocks either!!  Should put them together and get it quilted!!  (or sell them...)  I am preparing for a sale table at our September meeting so will have fabric, patterns and books again for sale.  I usually sell in June but just not enough time after getting back from the beach this year.

This is friend Betsey's retirement quilt.   I have done enough quilting to keep it together so that she can add some hand quilting in the open spaces.  I quilted the star and then in the ditch around everything else.  It will keep her warm on her sofa next winter!


 I have diligently been working on the refinement of the purse pattern.  Up until now, I have added a tab on top with the zipper in the middle.  I decided to try to see how just using a zipper on top would look.  These two purses are also using my marbled fabric as well as some of my hand dyes.  From a looks standpoint, I think it works.  It is nice to find a good use for the marbled fabrics.
I did love the marbled fabric that I used in this purse.

I finally finished this jacket that I started weeks ago.  Took me a long time to pick the right fabric for the front band.  It is a very simple "kimono" jacket made from 5 rectangles basically.

A Swallowtail all covered in pollen from one of our hibiscus.  They have been blooming like crazy this year!!

 Two of my favorites are this white hibiscus and the yellow one below.  We also have pink, lavender, lots of salmon colored and the coral ones.

We also have one that is just a pale yellow and I like that one as well.  The hummingbirds have been taking a dip in them rather than using the hummingbird feeder!

This is a Cicada (one of the 2500 varieties of this species).  He made a noticeable sound when he plopped out of a nearby tree while I was reading (I always have my camera next to me when outside).  Loved the green on the wings and in some of the other shots, the veins in the wings look purple.

I am  not certain but I think this is a Chipping Sparrow.  I have seen a lot of them foraging in our yard and read later that they were migrating through.  We have a male and female cardinal who are frequent visitors but never stop long enough to get their pictures taken!


1 comment:

  1. Stains = old :)

    I do like your hibiscus and the butterfly. Nothing like that this far south.

