Thursday, September 4, 2014

September RAFA Meeting

This is another Show and Tell from one of the subgroups in RAFA.  This month they were doing pieces inspired by the works of Georgia O'Keefe.  More detailed views follow.

This was a piece done by Liz S.  This is a whole cloth piece and the abstract image is taken from a picture of the lake and then manipulated in Photoshop and printed on cloth and quilted.  Our own Julie Brandon runs a business called Red Dog Enterprises that provides this service (Red Dog Enterprises).  Her prices are reasonable and she uses all different kinds of fabric.

Elaine did this luscious piece taken from a photo she took of one of her hibiscus.

Caren B has finished all her wonderful thread painting on this piece also inspired by one of her photographs of a lily.

Kate W chose to portray Georgia O'Keefe herself with her sad expression.

Julie Brandon did this whole cloth quilt manipulating one of her photos and then printing it on whole cloth.

Regina S is one of our newer members and extremely prolific!!  She does a lot with the embroidery designs found commercially.  I really liked this quilt especially.  She was the lucky lady who inherited by 9 boxes of upholstery and drapery fabrics.

Caris showed us some pieces from her dye painting class with Ann Johnston.  Ann is one of my favorite all time teachers and certainly is the "mother" of low water immersion dyeing.

This was a really large piece that Caris did in class.

Another very complex piece that Caris did in class.

Beth K took a class on making fabric and this is one of the pieces resulting from the class.  I was not familiar with the teacher but Beth really liked the class and felt it was the direction she wanted to go in. I also "make fabric" for a lot of  my backgrounds and even some of sections of the foreground as well these days.  For me, it was a result of taking a class with Cynthia Corbin which was probably one of the most freeing classes I have ever taken.

This is another very large piece that Beth did as a result of the class.  We all loved the sherbet colors!

Sue D, Marcia B and Beth also work together in a small group and this was one of their pieces.  Believe it or not, this is a disappearing 9-patch!!  I loved it and may do some like this with my hand dyes although I am already thinking about introducing some smaller pieces into the mix.

This is Beth's piece using the disappearing 9-patch.  Marcia just didn't hold hers up high enough!!

This is Tina (another relatively new member) showing us some of the detail is this absolutely stunning quilt with all the dragonflies.  Like  Marcia DeCamp (one of my featured blogs on the left), she has a piece in the new AQS calendar!

Anne Fischer has decided to focus on her felted clothing and this is a jacket she has recently completed and pictures do  not do it justice-- it is beyond stunning!!  I can see why she is moving in this direction!

This is an absolutely gorgeous shawl she also did -- unbelievable!!  

A number of the members also took a felting class with an Australian felter who focuses on jewelry and I managed to forget to take some pictures of that as there were all sorts of very different pieces.  It was a decidedly magical show at the group today.  

Last but not least is a shirt that Anne dyed.  I crept up and took a shot of the back while she was sitting as well!  I just loved the diagonal.  She dyed the fabric and then made the shirt which was tunic length.  Of course she looks like a model in anything she is wearing!!

You can see more of our group at  Rochester Area Fiber Artists on Facebook.  We won't overwhelm your news feed but will post pictures of art from the various members, give notices of shows we are either sponsoring or in which we are participating.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all the pictures, Beth. Hated to leave but was due back at my office.
