Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quilting the Hated Quilt!

Well, I truly disliked working on this quilt and was dreading quilting it as there was no easy transportation to get from one area to another.  I somehow managed to baste it while it was hanging on the design walls and that was just more torture from this quilt that I really don't think shows all the effort and time that went into it.  As I have said before, not much bang for the buck!

Anyway, after finishing the quilting on the other quilt and the Professional Tote, this was the only thing left in my "to be done" queue.  I had decided how I was going to quilt it and was going back and forth with myself about what color thread to use.  I chickened out and decided to use white thread (the back is off white) as I was going to be quilting in the white areas.  My other thought was the purple of the lattice or even lime green.

I figured I would do a couple of blocks around the edges to see how it looked before I went too far.  I did not  use the quilting that was in the book as I didn't like that at all.

Hopefully you can see the quilting here.  I did quite a few blocks and I must say that this has been by far my favorite part of this quilt!!  I am enjoying the quilting a lot even though it is repetitious.  For some reason it is soothing rather than boring.  I actually did about a quarter of the quilt this afternoon!  I think I have decided to go with purple in the blocks around the outside although I am not committed to this  yet.  It would kind of give it a border effect.  There are no borders on the quilt but I may add one after I am done the quilting.

A closer look at the quilting.  You can see kind of a flower in the squares and a loop somewhat mimicking the old ribbon candy from years past.  I am also free hand quilting in the ditch around each of the white areas.  I think I am going to leave the colored areas alone unless they scream out to me at the end!

I did find this picture on my camera of the "not quite finished" Professional Tote with my mineral quilt in the background.  It gives a better view of the almost completed bag.  It is a lot darker than the picture shows because of the light shining off the faux suede.


  1. Beth, that quilt is stunning! Did you dye the purple fabric yourself? The quilted "flower" in the white is simply beautiful, and when I stare at the whole quilt, the little bursts of yellow plays tricks with my eyes.
    No need to apologize--I just wasn't sure if my comments were being generated, because I was never asked to sign in with Google.

  2. Yes, I hand dyed the purple fabric. There are several pieces of my marbled fabric in the quilt as well including the one with the yellow mustard color. I always like to add a few surprises of color in my quilts and don't think I have made many that didn't have yellow somewhere!
