Wednesday, April 15, 2015

More Progress and Some Decisions...

Still making progress on this quilt.  This step shows more "petals" being added to each of the large outside pieces.  You can see that I haven't sewn the stars together yet.

The large flowers are all all completed although not sewn together.  So they join the stars which are also not sewn together.  I will not be opening any windows any time soon or putting on the fan!!

Here I have added the dark green petals on the outside.  I now have three different dark greens in the quilt!!!  I only  had a quarter yard of the last piece and literally just enough to make these blocks!  Looks like I didn't run out of the pale blue either which was a relief as I was cutting it close on this one as well!  

I did want to repeat the fuchsia in the middle somewhere around the outside as it needs to be repeated and I have very little of it.  So I have decided to replace some of the leaf blocks (like those ones surrounding the center block) with star blocks using the fuchsia for the star points.  I will use these in the four outside corners.  I will repeat the yellow with a thin border strip (maybe 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch).  There are setting triangles outside the leaf blocks that surround all this.  I have decided to repeat the orange there as there is a lot of green and purple and I do like a green, purple and orange palette a lot -- my favorite colors together.  I reserve the right to change my mind on this if it is too much.  The other alternative is a darker sky blue.  We shall see!

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