Sunday, May 10, 2015

Just Can't Stop Myself!

Well, once I get started on something new, I just can't seem to stop and it is taking all my powers of concentration to clean today instead of heading back to dyeing!!  As mentioned, I wanted to try to do some hexagon mandalas. As I was photographing these, I thought that this was the ideal thing to do with ice dyeing as ice crystals are six sided constructions.  I was moderately pleased with my results as there were not so many layers for the dye to penetrate and thus they look more even.  An even nicer part is that the folding for the hexagons is much easier than the eight sided figures!

I had decided to try the yellow again as it does not like to go into solution with the cold and used it sparingly.  The Sun Yellow did take but I didn't see any signs of the Golden Yellow which I also used.  The lighter areas here are turquoise and the darker blue is Intense Blue with a little Grape along the outside.  After it had been sitting for about two hours, I decided that there was too much yellow so threw some old black on top and definitely like the effect I got!

I especially liked the middle of this piece.  Unfortunately, for a couple of the pieces, I managed to not think about the fact that I needed to make sure I found the middle after folding in half so that I could do the folding into thirds that is the next step so they were off center a little.  However that gave me some ideas about actually constructing pieces that were way off center!  There may be a little of the Golden Yellow showing up here a well a quite a bit of Strong Orange.  I was going for an orange/green/purple piece as that is my favorite palette.  

I crowded three pieces together on one rack and two pieces on another rack, scrunching them as much as I could.  You can see how even applying the same colors, you get very, very different results!!  Obviously the first two were on one rack and the last three were on a separate rack.  I just throw the dye on willy/nilly trying to keep complementary colors separated a bit so I don't get a lot of mush.

The photo of this piece doesn't do it justice and again, I really liked the middle a lot!


  1. These pieces are gorgeous Beth! How big are they? You have the best snow/ice dyes I've seen yet. I'll have to go back and see how you do it again.

  2. The middle of the first two with orange remind me of pineapple cross sections!
    Sandy in the UK
