Saturday, February 13, 2016

Uncommon Threads February Get Together!

A couple of months ago, I was invited to join this incredibly talented group of fiber artists here in Wilmington.  It is a group informally called Uncommon Threads.  We start with Show and Tell and I was just WOWed with this piece by Gerry, whose house we met at in December.  She just does beautiful work and this will be in the Quilters by the Sea gallery show in April.  My friend Priscilla would just love this and hope she sees my blog!!

I believe Barbara did this piece which we all loved as well!! It really captures the essence of the kitty.  Hope I got the right person -- I should really take notes!!

By the time showing and telling was over, Becky introduced us to the project we would be doing and the giant pile of scraps we could pick from.  We did collage on canvas using Modge Podge or glue to adhere the pieces.  This is Becky's cat Hobo who liked to be right in the middle of things obviously!!  Reminded me of some other orange cats who shall remain nameless!

Most of the pieces utilized canvas pieces about 8 12 x 11.  This is Betsy's piece which I loved.  She used fabric, laces and even dyed paper toweling that Becky had and generously shared.  It was perfect for the sky.  It would look great in any beach house down here!!

Barbara is working on her piece here on a much bigger canvas and she started it before she came.

Here is a better shot of the above piece.

Pat is working on her piece here -- another piece I just loved.  I was very awed by the work of the other women.

Mary is working on her piece here which I also loved (birds,  you know).

And here is my piece which I tried to create from my memory of the sunset I posted a few weeks ago.  Someone said it looked like an African picture so I must have succeeded as that is what people said of my photo!  It really is the Live Oaks down at Ft. Fisher.  I pulled from my bag of hand dyed scraps.

Becky graciously took our picture at the end of the day.  From left to right, Betsey, Gerry, me (in the back), Pat, Judi, Mary and Barbara.  It was really a very relaxing and fun day using a new technique for me.  I do seem to be drawn to bright colors though!!!  Nothing subtle about mine!

1 comment:

  1. Looks to have been a fun day and each piece of work so interesting and different!
