Sunday, May 1, 2016

Webster Quilt Guild Show and Blog 1000!!

This silly gray squirrel was sleeping on the power line right outside the quilt show.  I wasn't even sure he was alive but he kept moving around.  This is one absurd place to sleep.

I certainly thought this was a unique way to advertise the show.

This was the first quilt that caught my eye at the show.  Loved the quilting!

This was a quilt by Peg Oppenheimer which also caught my eye as it was so different.  It is basically made with triangles!

Of course I always like penguins!

Butterflies in Free Motion by Jean Cody.  

Pennies from Heaven by Terry Antinora.

Pieces of the Past by Sandy Buckman.

Simple bllocks but very striking I thought!  I didn't get the names for a number of the quilts so I apologize to the quilters!!

This is just about a quarter of a large exquisite quilt called Batik Farmer's Wife by Cheryl Bond.  These blocks were fairly small but not as small as the Dear Jane's.

This small piece and the next large piece were done by Ann Nash who is a magnificent quilter!!

This was called Dresden Garden.

 This and the next piece were done as part of a NY Quilters Consortium challenge called Lines and Angles.  Sadly there were no quilt names or people's names associated with the quilts!

Of course I had to include  bird picture called Baby Robins by Cynthia Flemming.

I couldn't resist the owls called Three Wise Guys by Pat Hogan!

It was a gorgeous morning and spring appears to be here with our Magnolia blooming with a back drop of our rare blue skies!

The white trillium are out as well in the back yard.  I never tire of this wildflower!


  1. Congrats on the blotting milestone! And thanks for sharing the quilts. Looks like it was a show well worth going to.

  2. I'm pretty sure the first quilt in the Lines and Angles show was made by Marcia Birken, and is a picture of the Erie Canal locks.
