Friday, December 9, 2016

Finally a Few Birds and Re-working a Quilt

Always the first ducks to come to Carolina Beach Lake are the American Coots.  There are about 15 of them now, more than last week but not as many as I have seen previous years.  Last year I was surprised by a Northern Pintail and a male Canvasback, neither of which I had seen there before.

There were several Forster's Terns sitting on the dock down at Ft. Fisher, standing next to a few Laughing Gulls.

A Royal Tern visited.

A Snowy Egret visited as well.

My husband alerted me that the Hooded Mergansers had returned to the pond behind the aquarium.  They disappeared almost immediately but there was a fair sized flock and a couple of Pied Billed Grebes.

You may remember this table runner from a class I took a couple of weeks ago.  Since I really don't use table runners and wasn't crazy about the stripes, I decided to take the additional stack and whack like shapes and make a small quilt.  I am not crazy about the block but had enough fabric to finish it off.

I took the purple off the three blocks and made an additional block here.

Almost all the blocks are done here but I am not finished arranging them.

I have sewn the first three rows together here.  There are half blocks on the top row.  I miraculously had just enough of the green to fill in the sides - literally used all but about 1/2 inch of the fabric!!  Now to decide on how to border it.  It is a little odd with those half blocks but really wanted to emphasize the graphic white strips.  I have been auditioning yellow and pink for possible border inclusion.  The quilt won't be all that big and will be great on the couch -- never have enough quilts for laying down on the sofa for a quick nap (not me but certainly husband and daughter and cats).

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