Sunday, May 27, 2018

Two More Tops Done and Starting with Another Fabric - the Fever Rages

Very frustrating that this quite pretty quilt doesn't photo well because of the gold in the background fabric which just reflects.  The colors are pale green, pale blue, cream and a purple/brick and some darker green.

I just note that I had been accumulating fabrics that would work as  stack and whacks for years.  I stopped doing this type of quilt years ago but am trying to use up some of these fabrics which I really like too well to just give them away.  Because of impending cataract surgery, I just can't motivate myself to get into something a bit more creative. I am giving away many that I just am not interested in finishing.  I like a little challenge!  Some of these are big enough to work as backs.  I have relegated some of those originally picked to be stack and whacks to be just that!

The second one from the fabric is done also.  I decided to just do more of the cream color for the border.  

I changed my mind and did a table runner or wall hanging with the remaining four blocks, putting them on point.  It gave me an idea for using the background fabric in the corners instead of the green I did here so that may come with a subsequent one although I don't have too many prints with enough for 8 repeats.

I took advantage of a great sale on batting yesterday at Joann's (60% off the by the yard stuff).  Now to baste all these finished tops!  I have eight currently in the backlog that are finished tops from the past couple of weeks!

I decided to delve into another bunch of fabric that I had cut up.  (I have about six different ones in the backlog now.  Doing the pinning you need to do to align the fabrics is a good task to do while watching the tube at night.)  I wasn't sure how this one would work but think it will be nice and bright!!  The fabric was not the most attractive -- looked like it was supposed to be a Hawaiian print and the repeat was 24 inches so I have 70 blocks like I did with the mushroom fabric.

This is the fabric used to create the above.  You can see there are large areas of green and light fuchsia so thought it might work as a "one-block wonder".  Of course I sewed them altogether forgetting I was going to do this!!  With the one-block wonders,  you don't do the final seam sewing the two three piece sides together which makes it simple to sew together.  I have only done 6 so far just to see how they would look as I feared there was just too much of one color in many of them.  Was pleased to see they are very graphic.

I placed them in a configuration for a one-block wonder so haven't discounted this arrangement yet.  Won't sew that final seam in the remaining blocks and will see what I come up with.


  1. When is your cataract surgery? I just recently found out I need cataract surgery in my right eye. (I'm not even 60!) The first date was for 24 July. I was worrying about Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, as I help with the SAQA stand. I knew I wasn't supposed to be lifting. But even getting the suitcase in and out of the car... what to do?
    Then Saturday morning I got a letter postponing it to the 14th August for purposes out of their control, etc. Hurrah! 2 days after I return from FOQ!

    But I am looking forward to using more than one eye to see with.
    Sandy in the UK

  2. The pink/green/yellow ones are so pretty! I love how simple triangles can be transformed into such beauty.
