Thursday, August 15, 2019

August RAFA Meeting

 Our July meeting is always filled with interesting projects as many of our members have attended classes at Quilting by the Lake, a yearly retreat near Syracuse with lots of great teachers.  Cynthia Corbin, who is my all time favorite teacher, was there to substitute for Rosalie Dace who was forced back to South Africa when Immigration didn't like her visa (the same kind she has used for years).  Cynthia is a wonderful supportive teacher who helps you find your own vision rather than giving you lots of rules.  The next few pieces are by Caren B done in the Cynthia class.  Caren and I were both in one of her classes about ten years ago.

This is a piece done by Deb R, made from a prom gown from the 60s!

Donna P showed many of her dyed wool pieces  She has been doing a lot of experiments before she starts dyeing her own felted wool.

Here is the same color on some of her own felted wool.

Janet R also took Cynthia's class.  You can see that her  pieces are entirely different from Caren's.

Jesse D showed this gorgeous quilt made from a lot of hand dyes.

Marcia B showed this absolutely stunning piece she did after learning about ribbon embroidery!  She just keeps getting better and better.  One piece after another is stunning!!

 Marie P did these three simple but stunning charity quilts.  Gave me some ideas for sure!!

Regina (as usual!!) had several very creative pieces to share, made with her own painted fabrics.

Using commercial fabrics but stunning with her machine embroidery of which she is also the master!!

This will be Sue D's contribution to our club Fall Fanfare where Sue and Beth K share easy blocks and the participants make quilts.  I loved this simple block made from jelly roll.  Since I have 12 2 1/2 gallon bags of 2 1/2 inch strips, this will be one of the charity quilts I do!!  I always enjoyed going to these events but they happen after I head to NC.

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