Saturday, January 4, 2020

Doing Some Mindless Quilting for a Bit!

Decided it was time to actually dive into some of those bags of strips I brought down with me.  This bunch was many depression era prints that I thought would make good baby quilts.  They were all fat quarters that I cut up so just the right width so I would have lots of variety.  

It is a super easy pattern.  I sew 6  2 1/2 strips together and then add a light colored strip.  I made a bunch of these and then cut them into 4 1/2 in wide strips.  I then sew 2 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch strips end to end and add a light color strip at the end.  Now you just have to sew the 2 long strips together and add one of the 3 patches to each side.  You put them together by just putting one vertical with a horizontal one next to it.

I made 2 40 in x 40 in tops in two days (about 4 hours total) but I did have the 2 1/2 in strips already cut.  I made a small dent in these!
The second one.

I went back to a bag of these pre-cut pieces and made 16 blocks very quickly!  I really like this particular block as it is easy and there are little spots of bright colors.

Today I made about 75 4 patches as I still have a lot of the half rectangles already cut so I can make a few of these.  I think I will just challenge myself to made one a week for the whole year.  Of course with surgery this summer, my machine quilting may be severely limited as I can't be on my feet for a couple of months.  I do need to make a dent in those strips though!.  Our local neo-natal unit has about 750 babies through it a year.  Our Guild managed to donate  over 350 this year but still not enough

Of course, I still have the makings for more Habitat or Humanity house quilts.  They needed 15 of those for this year also.  I think I have donated 3 for that.  


  1. Beth I love looking at all your work. You make it look so easy and fast.

  2. Love that black/white/4-patch block! May I as what size rectangle is cut for the black/white fabric?
    Like your plan of a block a week.
    Good luck with your surgery - Liz in Houston

  3. 4 5/8 x 9 3/8 although I might just add an 1/8 to each dimension the next time. The 4 patches are 2 1/2 inch strips. Also when you cut the rectangles, make sure all the fabric is either facing all to the right side or to the wrong side.
